What do you think about casual sex with your colleques. Is it a good idea? I don’t think so.
Looking for no commitment sex partner at work is a recipe for disaster. You would have much more success and fewer headaches by using websites to find sexual partners for adult relationships. However it is still legal to go out with a co-worker and is still legal to have some real fun with a co-worker, but it is a dangerous game. Many employees and employers appear to become very uncomfortable with co-workers sex relationships especially swingers relationships.
If you are a male and something goes wrong, it is almost sure you will be charged with sexual harassment. If you are a woman and something goes wrong everyone going to call you a whore. I don’t think any lady want to get there.
But even if everything works out fine, workplace and casual sex is still very risky venture for your personal life and for your career too.
When the subject is sex you should be much more careful. What if the other co-workers find it out? Just think about it. If you are a female it definitely will not make any good for your career and your reputation. Sex related news spread very fast. In a few weeks all men in you office building, (if you are working in a office) want you to give them a blow job, under their desk… If you are addictive to performing blow jobs, than go for it, otherwise forget it.
However if all above do not bother you and you think you can find another job very easily, then keep your resume updated and just do it. Remember, sex with co-workers might cost you your job.
Good luck in finding good sex partner!