For quite some time, dh (dear hubby) & I have talked about going on a swingers cruise. Lately I have been having some very hot detailed dreams about it. I thought I would share and see if others have gone and would like to share.
My dream:
We fly to Denver and meet there with 3 other couples we have known and planned this with. We all fly to Florida and have 2 nights in Florida before boarding the ship. The first night we all go out and have great fun. DH gets involved with a gal from the group, and I get involved with a guy. I go with the guy to his hotel room and DH goes with the gal to ours. Hours later, the guy and I walk to my room, and join DH and his GF. The next day, we all meet for breakfast and talk of our wild and fun night. One gal and I hit it off great, and we go shopping. We go into a large store and decide to try on swimsuits. So off to the dressing-room we go, yes together of course. Once in the room, as we're undressing each other, we get carried away. We're on the floor and get distracted by the pounding on the door. Giggling we change and walk out, anxious to return to our hotel room and have more fun. As we walk into my room, DH is there with a gal, so we join them. Dh is delighted at all the female attention. We all take care of each other, and after several hours of very wet fun, we all snuggly in a heap on the bed. Later a hubby knocks at the door, delighted to find his DW and she undresses him, well us 3 gals just can't ignore this, so we help. DH was enjoying the view from the bed, until a gal goes to him for mutual pleasure. After more hours of fun, we decided we should show up for dinner with the other 3. We arrive at the restaurant and wait, finally we order and while enjoying the meal, and each others company, the other 3 arrive, visibly exhausted!! We have a wonderful meal and each couple returns to their hotel room, getting rest for the Cruise.
In the morning, we arrive at the Cruise and all check into our cabins. I am so excited that I can't wait any longer to have DH, so I take him. We finally leave our cabin and find the others for dinner. Chatting with the gals, I find out they also couldn't wait and did the same. My gf from the dressing room, asks me to join her outside. While by the pool, a nice younger man walks up to us and tells us how hot we look, telling us how he and his wife have done this for years and have great fun. As we sit and talk, his hand is slowly walking up my leg. My gf is also getting excited and we decide to take this further. We all start to kiss and slowly he undresses her, while I slip his pants off. Never knowing a lounge chair could be a spot for such desire. GF's DH shows up and helps the younger man, as the couple find extreme heat, the younger man suddenly has me on my back, lowering my dress, the straps fall off my shoulders. As we slowly enjoy each others bodies, he fills me with his juice.As I cum multiple times, squirting more and more, soaking his cock and balls and thighs. He asks me to his room, as we walk towards it, I notice DH is busy with 2 gals. Knowing how satisfied they will be, I smile and continue walking with my new friend. After several hours, his DW shows up in the morning and joins us. 3 days into the cruise and I find my way back to my cabin. No DH, so I shower and organize my clothes. I decide to walk down for lunch and see if I can find DH. He sits in a hot tub with 3 gals around him, and one behind him. I say Hello and blow him a kiss. My dressing room friend finds me and we talk of our fun thus far. She tells me that her DH is anxious to have me with her, and not wanting to keep him waiting, we all go. early the next morning I again make my way back to my cabin. DH is there with 2 gals. I kiss him and help one gf cum, then I slip into the shower. Our last day of the cruise and DH tells me we have reservations for the next one. He says the next one is longer and has 2 days at a private beach!
I luv this dream, and always wake up nice and wet!!!
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